Dubai.. Looking around the places.. The tall buildings, the big roads, the long traffic jams, the amazing malls.. You never realize that all this is actually a desert!
You cannot imagine the level of progress Dubai has had in spite of the fact that its a desert. Therez no problem with water unlike in Chennai, South India where I did all my studying, even though chennai was a coastal place there was always scarcity of water!
Once I happened to spot this construction spot in Dubai were some of the roads were being dug up for some cabling work. It amazed me to see that below the roads, there was some layer of concrete and then it was all just desert sand! I was pretty shook up and amazed at how all these buildings around me were standing in this desert sand on which walking itself is so difficult!
I would say many nations have a lot to learn from the way Dubai has progressed! Did I hear someone say Democracy is the way to go? Yeah look where democracy is taking India??..
Ok Politics is not my cup of tea.. but makes me wonder what has made Dubai grow at such an amazing pace.. No No.. its not all petrol .. in fact Dubai buys most of its petrol from Abu Dhabi.
Well more about Dubai in my next post...
Until then...